Upcoming Classes...
Boston : Comedy Bootcamp
@ Boston Center for the Arts
​Ages: Kids/Teens/Young Adult
Friday April 11
We will be diving into the art of COMEDY! This is our chance to flex your comedy chops, and strengthen your understanding of the comedic devices for everything from the stage, to single cam to multi cam sitcoms. Together we will break down the script, land the jokes, develop strong characters (that are grounded in truth), strengthen our choices, take risks, never judge ourselves, and generally act a fool!!
Boston : Youth Acting Workshop
@Boston Center for the Arts
​Ages: 8-12
Saturday April 12
Each class will be catered to challenging each individual actor participating. My goal is to strengthen their technique, help them gain versatility, and increase their confidence in their work. We will explore improvisation, scene work, emotional exercises, sensory development, and have each actor feeling on top of their game as they head out into the audition world.
Boston : Advanced Acting Workshop
@Boston Center for the Arts
​Ages: Teens & 20s
Sunday April 13
Each class will be catered to challenging each individual actor participating. My goal is to strengthen their technique, help them gain versatility, and increase their confidence in their work. We will explore improvisation, scene work, emotional exercises, sensory development, and have each actor feeling on top of their game as they head out into the audition world.
For more information on Workshops or Private Coaching, email katiepohlmanacting@gmail.com, or call (585) 455-3935.
Do the Work. Love the Process. Book the Job.

Join me for a chance to take your work to the next level! We will learn to exist in the moment, stretch our creative boundaries, and cultivate our skills. It is a positive, supportive, inspiring atmosphere in which we explore and grow as actors without fear of judgement! Katie's class is a continuation of Diane Hardin's Joy of Acting method, which focuses on freeing up your work, while embracing your genuine LOVE of the process.